Mapping Harassment in Yelahanka

An ongoing project that is looking into capturing data on harassment inside Yelahanka, Bengaluru

October 3, 2021

Data is beautiful even without 'sense'

There is an entire world of data visualisations in the form of graphs and animations out there. Cleverly crafted, helping us to discover beautifully nuanced patterns and happenings. Check out the DataIsBeautiful subreddit to peek into the world of amazingly insightful visualisations that are produced everyday across the world. summary: An ongoing project that is looking into capturing data on harassment inside Yelahanka, Bengaluru Utilising the interstices between what we consider true, worthwhile and what we see as being abstract uselessness, I’ve begun to play around with popular and the standard forms of visualising data: Maps, Network Graphs, anything-graphs....

April 20, 2021