Beta release of Constitutional Observer

I present a public beta of the Constitutional Observer that was in the works for a few months now. It brings together a corpus of the Constituent Assembly debates and questions from the LS. It is envisioned as a comparative interface to understand the historical context of a constitutional argument. You can ask it seemingly simple questions, and it will semantically understand and return relevant responses from both datasets. The conceptual framing of these questions is meant to poke curiosity at a primal level, outside of explicit notions of political questioning.These were first exhibited at SMI Collective 2024, a show case of Srishti Manipal final semester projects at MAHE, Bengaluru

May 28, 2024 · Adhavan

Innocent questions, innocent poetry, political personals'

I write in brief about the making of the questions that were exhibited along with the Constitutional Observer, and a little of the vision for it.

May 28, 2024 · Adhavan