Link to repository Structure Synth is a wonderful programme that was last updated 10 years ago…..While its functions are simple, I’m yet to have learnt of such a simple implementation of what it does. Structure Synth allows for a simple grammar of a language that does 3D primitive generation in a recursive fashion. Similar to how one might generate fractals…

Starting out

At this point I have begun to build randomised and glorified cubes that begin to look like structures when seen in a complex composition. The entire city is resting on the curve at the lower right of the image.
I then began to play with structural variations in the buildings and induced the form of a spring into the base.
### How do I show greenery in space?! Plants in this world breathe in space! If only, gaaah. I created some generic plants and trunks and stems to sit in. Now shouldn’t the plants have been along the buildings, facing the same direction as the buildings. Now it looks more like a bad mockup of the worlds from Elysium, the movie.

Export to Blender

Voila! Almost Lego like structures… I simply coloured the blocks from Structure Synth and here we are.

Trying out texturing in Blender

An ominous Brutalist choice for space colonies

Water in space?

Apparently, in my mind, water in this world continous to reflect the colour blue…….aaaand, stays in place without gravity.

Generic greenery!

Looking at it from far far away…