Why Panoramas

For starters, its a pretty good feature on my Fuji. For the main course, its wide format allows me to capture a uniquely framed landscape which is just another landscape on a regular aspect ratio. And for dessert, since it has to be stitched in-camera from multiple shots, movement is preserved as an artifact on the photo. It embolises that stagnant scene with the artifacts that blow an air of ‘edgy’ mystery into it.

For example, one of my favorite images from the trip is of a fellow classmate jumping from a rock and others looking on.

The perfect mix of action and artifact. In the extreme right is the TG Halli reservoir

On Arkavathi: This is from a series of visits to locations in and surrounding the Arkavathi river basin. The purpose of these excursions were to expose ourselves to the context of why the river basin’s status is as it is with an anthropological view point.

How wide a story do they tell….How wide a narrative can we have….

The element of ratios

Such wide aspect ratios allow for much more compositional capabilities than I can find in a traditional 4:3 photograph.

From the intersection of the Arkavathi and the